Tuesday, March 13, 2007

lunch bag series: Monkey Boxing

Friend, colleague, artist and writer of a music review blog, that is my friend T. I handed him a lunch bag months ago. He came up with the goods quickly and the bag art was terrific. The food? Hot pork balls and noodles. Real hot, for our drawn hero, who thinks he's all that, and probably is...check out his reviews.
T. has an uncanny ability to show up for a chat just when I need it. We work on a project together but separately (if that makes sense). I'm sure he would agree that it occasionally feels as if we are participating in an experiment: put us monkeys in a room with a typewriter (with all the time in the world) in the hopes we will eventually produce a new way of teaching Shakespeare. But we are both full of ideas and always hope that this project will allow us to experiment. T, lunch is on me soon.


Stone Monkey said...

man - i'm hungry again now and i've only just finished my lunch!

Stone Monkey said...

...and lunch was lovely foodteach! thanks very much - most rude of me not to have got back sooner - i have nothing but praise for your culinary skills.

Chef Jeena said...

Hi Your food blog looks great, I will be back to visit you.

Jeena xx

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